NICD study shows high levels of candida auris infections in private hospitals - Medical Brief 265 - 8 Aug 2019

NICD study shows high levels of candida auris infections in private hospitals - Medical Brief 265 - 8 Aug 2019

Medical Brief 265 - 8 Aug 2019 (1)

"A National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) study shows that over two-years, there were almost seven times as many candida auris infections in private hospital patients, as among state hospital patients.

Candida auris is a type of fungus that is often resistant to a single class of medicine, but some strains are resistant to all medications. The NICD study was published in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

The NICD’s data shows that four in ten infected patients die. The fungus can cause bloodstream infections or meningitis, and only affects already-sick patients with weak immune systems.

There were 794 infections in hospitals countrywide in 2016 and 2017, of which 695 were in hospital patients in private hospitals and 99 in state hospitals. The study, note the authors, might have underestimated the incidence risk in the public sector."

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