Changing perceptions about palliative care - BizCommunity 4 May 2022

Changing perceptions about palliative care - BizCommunity 4 May 2022

BizCommunity 4 May 2022

"Prior to 2020, within many cultures, death was a sanitised topic and one that did not get much mainstream airtime. The global Covid-19 pandemic changed that, with conversations about mortality increasingly taking place within homes and around the globe. These conversations mirrored the ones had by the medical profession as medical and healthcare staff experienced levels of death that were, for many, unprecedented.
Changing perceptions about palliative care

Held annually, the national Hospice Week (1–7 May 2022) is dedicated to highlighting the importance and nature of palliative care. However, the last while has seen many medical professionals become more and more aware of the need to work with a life-threatening diagnosis in a holistic manner; not only for the benefits afforded to the patient, but, so too, for the support it provides them."

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